What are my options to treat gum recession?
Gum recession is a multi factorial problem that can be caused by many different factors. Abnormal position of teeth, periodontal disease, overaggressive tooth brushing, and orthodontic treatment can all contribute to recession of the gums. Receding gums is a chronic problem that does not happen overnight, and is a common problem for people over 40. Two basic treatment options are available to correct receding gums. They are a gingival graft, which the patient’s tissue is harvested for the graft material or a Allograft, which donor skin is used as the graft material.
Comparison of two grafting techniques for treatment of gum recession
This patient was referred from his general dentist for treatment of his receding gums. He presented with gingival recession in the upper canine areas with sensitivity to hot and cold. I performed a connective tissue grafting procedure in the patient’s upper left area and a Alloderm grafting procedure in the patient’s upper right area. These procedures were performed to correct the recession defects and resolve the sensitivity to hot and cold. Pt. presented for a 6 week post op with good gingival coverage and no continue sensitivity to hot and cold.
