Gum Recession Treatment
Gum recession or gingival recession is an important factor in a patient’s overall dental health. Multiple negative consequences can be associated with gum recession. These include compromised esthetics, root sensitivity, root cavities, and loss of root structure due to mechanical wear. Treatment can correct gum recession by gaining root coverage and increasing the thickness of the soft tissue. This problem is one of the most common dental issues experienced by todays population. Recent studies show that approximately 84% of the general population has a least one site of gingival recession.
This video is my second attempt to record a dental procedure. The patient shown below was referred by her general Dentist for treatment and correction of her recession. She had previously been treated by another Periodontist in the same area with a Free Gingival Graft. This earlier procedure accomplished the goals of increasing the amount of keratinized tissue and overall thickness, but did not accomplish root coverage. Therefore, I treated the patient by coronally advancing the tissue and utilizing a donor soft tissue allograft.
Utilization of donor soft tissue allograft or tissue from a vial provides certain benefits from harvesting the patient’s tissue. The biggest benefit to my patients is the lack of a second surgical site. Therefore, less post operative complications can be expected. Also, some patients just don’t have enough tissue to correct multiple recession sites. Therefore, selection of different soft tissue sizes based on my patient’s need is great.